Lee Chae-Yeon

Hi! I'm a MS student at AMILab in Artificial Intelligence at POSTECH, advised by Tae-Hyun Oh.

I am interested in 3D computer vision, cross-modal generation, and multi-modal learning, but not limited to.

chaeyeon.lee@postech.ac.kr  /  CV  /  Scholar  /  LinkedIn  /  Github

profile photo


  • 06/2024 1 paper has been accpted to INTERSPEECH 2024.


MultiTalk: Enhancing 3D Talking Head Generation Across Languages with Multilingual Video Dataset
Kim Sung-Bin*, Lee Chae-Yeon*, Gihun Son*, Oh Hyun-Bin, JangHoon Ju, Suekyeong Nam, Tae-Hyun Oh
project page / arXiv / code / dataset

We generate a 3D talking head with enhanced performance on multilingual speech.

COARA: Efficient Correlation-Aware Uncertainty Modeling in Hand Pose Estimation
Lee Chae-Yeon*, Nam Hyeon-Woo*, Tae-Hyun Oh
Under Review

We estimate 3D hand pose uncertainty while maintaining robust performance.

Research Experiences

  • POSTECH - Algorithmic Machine Intelligence lab, Pohang, Korea.Mar 2024 - Present
       Graduate Student, working with Tae-Hyun Oh.

This website is based on Jon Barron's website. I appreciate him for kindly open-sourcing the source code.